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Patient's Information
PF8575 Pearle Vision of Waterford
4363 Highland Road, Waterford, US 48328, (248)674-4065
Doctor Info
Dr. Bradley Goldberg
Doctor of Optometry from Illinois College of Optometry, 1984 Michigan State University, 1979

Dr. Bradley Goldberg has been practicing at Pearle Vision of Waterford for over 30 years. Bradley Goldberg graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1984 and Michigan State University in 1979. Dr. Goldberg practices General Optometry, but is expertly skilled in fitting patients that were previously told they could not wear contact lenses. He additionally has broad experience in treating ocular diseases. Dr. Goldberg is married to Marla and has one child, Jill.
Dr. Jill Goldberg
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4363 Highland Road

Waterford, MI 48328


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4363 Highland Road

Waterford, MI 48328


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