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  3. Personal Information

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Patient's Information
PF8180 Interquest Vision
Interquest Market Place, 1268 Interquest Pkwy, Colorado Springs, US 80921, (719)463-0200
Doctor Info
Dr. John Mileski
Dr. John Mileski
Graduated from Pennsylvania College of Optometry in May 2000

Dr. Mileski is a residency trained optometrist with over 21 yeaers of experience. He has served as chief of Optometry Services at US Airforce Hospital in RAF Lakenheath, England. Has also served as U.S. Air Force Medical Clinic, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico and more recently at the U.S. Air Force Clinic, USAF Academy, Colorado. He has been a Fellow, American Academy of Optometry (FAAO), since 2004. Dr. Mileski is passionate about providing outstanding eye care to our patients.
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Interquest Market Place

1268 Interquest Pkwy

Colorado Springs, CO 80921


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Interquest Market Place

1268 Interquest Pkwy

Colorado Springs, CO 80921


Patient's Information
