Schedule an eye exam

  1. Exam information
  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

For how many patients are you scheduling?

Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

One more question to help us find available appointments

Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

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Patient's Information
PF8384 David Border, OD
The Shops At Livermore, 3024 W Jack London Blvd, Livermore, US 94551, (925)202-6829
Doctor Info
Dr. David Border
Dr. David Border
UC Berkeley School of Optometry - Doctor of Optometry

Following graduation, I honed my skills in a private practice for three years before venturing into entrepreneurship, establishing my own office within a Walmart for six years. Subsequently, I relocated to the Bay area, where I enriched my experience by working within a Medi-Cal office for a year.
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The Shops At Livermore

3024 W Jack London Blvd

Livermore, CA 94551


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The Shops At Livermore

3024 W Jack London Blvd

Livermore, CA 94551


Patient's Information
