Schedule an eye exam

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  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

For how many patients are you scheduling?

Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

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Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

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Patient's Information
PV6303 Shergill Optometry
South Hill Mall, 3500 South Meridian #345, Puyallup, US 98373, (253)848-9620
Doctor Info
Dr. Tay Shergill
Dr. Tay Shergill
Southern California College of Optometry

Dr Shergill moved to Washington in 1996 and has enjoyed living here with her husband and two sons. She enjoys traveling and cooking.
Dr. Erick Auyoung, Doctor of Optometry
New England College of Optometry
Dr. Erick Auyoung, Doctor of Optometry New England College of Optometry
Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology with Neurobiology Emphasis University of California at Berkeley

Doctor Biography
Dr. Auyoung enjoys following up on current events
taking road trips
and attending hockey games.

Find us on map

South Hill Mall

3500 South Meridian #345

Puyallup, WA 98373


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Your exam summary

South Hill Mall

3500 South Meridian #345

Puyallup, WA 98373


Patient's Information
