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Patient's Information
PV6304 Sexton Vision Group
Capital Mall, 625 Blacklake Boulevard SW, Olympia, US 98502, (360)943-1516
Doctor Info
Dr. Paul Olsovsky
Dr. Paul Olsovsky
Bachelor of Science in Biology Eastern New Mexico University Doctor of Optometry University of Houston College of Optometry

Dr. Olsovsky enjoys fishing, exploring local beaches, and looking for agates with his wife.
Dr. Christina Bailey
Dr. Christina Bailey
Bachelor of Science in Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology University of Washington

Doctor Biography
Dr. Bailey is a very caring and thorough eye care provider. In her free time
she enjoys yoga
and binge-watching her favorite TV shows with her husband and four children.

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Capital Mall

625 Blacklake Boulevard SW

Olympia, WA 98502


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Capital Mall

625 Blacklake Boulevard SW

Olympia, WA 98502


Patient's Information
